Research Pillars

Important contributions toward the research objectives of our group over the last years encompass

  • the development of high-fidelity, efficient models for quantifying the risk of cascading failures in power systems;
  • assessing the potential for sustainable, safe and affordable energy provision by microgrids, active distribution grids and multi-energy systems;
  • defining, measuring and engineering resilience in energy infrastructures;
    modeling and assessing the impact of cyber interdependencies in energy systems;
  • understanding the impact of the water-energy nexus on electrical energy conversion and mitigating its effects by smart water resources management;
  • developing and validating early warning indicators of critical transitions and fault diagnosis tools in complex dynamical systems; and
  • modeling interdependent electricity and gas networks and quantifying the risks regarding their safe operation in renewable energy infrastructures.
Enlarged view: The scope of research at the Reliability and Risk Engineering Lab
The scope of Research at the Reliability and Risk Engineering Lab