Academic Collaborations

Our research efforts are applied in various projects with the aim of improving the societal welfare in Switzerland, Europe and worldwide via the development of generalizable models. In ACCSESS, we develop and demonstrate a European resilient infrastructure for CO2 capture, transport and sequestration. In Set-Nav, we assess the security of supply for different pathways for the transition of the European energy system. In Nexus-e, we analyze scenarios of the nuclear phase-out in Switzerland and identify the needs for generation flexibility at different timescales. In PATHFNDR, we aim to improve renewable energy system efficiency through flexibility and sector coupling in Switzerland. In SCCER-FURIES, we study the failure behavior of the Swiss power grid and identify vulnerabilities. In ReMaP, we perform reliability assessments of future multi-energy microgrids. In IMAGE, we develop data-driven models for predictive maintenance of transmission grid asset. In DemoUpCARMA, we assess the resilience of CO2 supply chains and evaluate the integration of Swiss emitters in a shared CO2 transport infrastructure.