Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research - Future Swiss Electrical Infrastructure

Contact: Dr. Blazhe Gjorgiev

SCCER-FURIES is the national competence center focused on the upgrading of the Swiss electrical infrastructure. It addresses the power grid-related challenges raised by the ES2050 by providing the grid operators with intelligence-enhanced planning, monitoring and operation tools.

The Swiss Innovation Agency (Innosuisse) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) established SCCR-FURIES in 2014 for 3 years (Phase I) and their mandate was renewed in 2017 for 4 more years (Phase II).

During the Phase I, numerous innovative solutions were developed in collaboration with the industrial partners. The most promising of these solutions will be further developed during Phase II or will be deployed in the real grid in order to validate their compatibility with existing technologies and among each other. Knowledge and Technology transfer and training activities are implemented in parallel in order to ensure that the acquired knowledge is properly and adequately transferred to both industry and young scientists.

The Reliability and Risk Engineering (RRE) laboratory, involved in WP 2.5, is providing (1) Assessment of the risk to continuous supply of electricity stemming from different future energy scenarios in Switzerland; (2) Assessment of the risk to continuous supply of electricity stemming from the dependence on communications; (3) Report on risk mitigation strategies for reducing the dependence of the grid security on the communication infrastructure.