The Lab
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Welcome to RRE
Our lab, headed by Prof. Sansavini, consists of senior researchers, postdocs, PhD students, scientific and administrative assistants. An overview of all current RRE members can be found on our People page.
In addition to our scientific mission, we share values of supportive collaboration, rationality, openness and sharing of knowledge and curiosity - both in our scientific work and among the group members.
Joining RRE
Directions to our lab can be found here. Open positions are advertised on our webpage as well as the ETH job platform. Students are encouraged to check our list of thesis projects.

RRE Christmas Retreat 2024

RRE Group Event Fall 2024

Group hike to Rigi, September 2023.

Group excursion to Beznau Nuclear Power Plant, July, 2022

Scavenger hunt around Zurich, October 2021