Utilizing curtailed wind and solar power to scale up electrolytic hydrogen production in Europe

Alissa Ganter, Tyler H. Ruggles, Paolo Gabrielli, Giovanni Sansavini, and Ken Caldeira, Environmental Science & Technology
Availability of the European power system assets: What we learn from data?

Blazhe Gjorgiev, Andrej Stankovski, Joe Wengler, Sinan Sencan, Giovanni Sansavini, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Volume 258, 2025, 110887.
Welcome Nour

We are delighted to welcome Nour Boulos as new PhD student in our Lab. Nour has recently obtained her masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, in which her thesis focused on waste heat recovery in secondary aluminum plants. Her PhD at RRE will carry out the resilient design of CO2 transport route to enable the net-zero transition in Europe.
Transforming decentralized energy systems: Flexible EV charging and its impact across urbanization degrees

Linda Brodnicke, Febin Kachirayil, Paolo Gabrielli, Giovanni Sansavini, Russell McKenna, Applied Energy, Volume 384, 2025, 125303.
Welcome Leonard

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Leonard Goeke as new Postdoc in our Lab. Leonard works on the transition of macro-energy systems towards renewable energy. His general interest is advancing methods for energy system modeling and applying these to solve pressing questions about future energy systems. A current focus is stochastic optimization to guarantee system security under climate uncertainty.