Farewell Dr. Ehsan Reyhanian
Dr. Ehsan Reyhanian is leaving the RRE group. We thank him for his contributions and wish him best of luck in his next career step!
Optimal economic and environmental design of multi-energy systems

T. Terlouw, P. Gabrielli, T. AlSkaif, C. Bauer, R. McKenna, and M. Mazzotti, Applied Energy, vol. 347, p. 121374, Oct. 2023.
Kate at World Energy Justice Congress

Last week, Kate Lonergan attended the World Energy Justice Congress hosted by the Chair of Energy Justice & the Social Contract at the University of Pau and Adour Countries. She shared work done in collaboration with Prof. Sansavini about how quantitative modelling methods can support a just energy transition.

This week, Dr. Paolo Gabrielli, Alissa Ganter, and Behnam Akbari attended the 33rd European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering. In addition to partaking in stimulating discussions, they presented their research on the net-zero transition of the chemical industry, the optimal design of hydrogen supply chains, and efficient models for gas network optimizations.
Achieving net-zero emissions in agriculture: a review

L. Rosa and P. Gabrielli, Environ. Res. Lett., vol. 18, no. 6, p. 063002, Jun. 2023.