Risk-informed coordinated generation and transmission system expansion planning: A net-zero scenario of Switzerland in the European context

E. Raycheva, B. Gjorgiev, G. Hug, G. Sansavini, and C. Schaffner, Energy, vol. 280, p. 128090, Oct. 2023.
Ensuring/insuring resilient energy system infrastructure

K.E. Lonergan, S.F. Greco, and G. Sansavini, Env. Syst. Decisions, Aug. 2023.
A human operator model for simulation-based resilience assessment of power grid restoration operations

F. Kottmann, M. Kyriakidis, G. Sansavini, and V. Dang, Reliability Engineering & System Safety, vol. 238, p. 109450, Oct. 2023.
Inter-comparison of spatial models for high shares of renewable electricity in Switzerland

V. Heinisch, J. Dujardin, P. Gabrielli et al., Applied Energy, vol. 350, p. 121700, Nov. 2023.
Arvind discusses the flexibility potential of multi-energy systems
In his post on the Energy Blog @ ETH, Arvind explains how considering flexibility services affects cost-optimal local multi-energy system design and operation.