RRE at INFORMS Annual Meeting
This year, the INFORMS Annual Meeting had great participation from RRE. Several lab members presented their research focusing on the optimization and machine learning tools that play a crucial role in tackling the challenges of energy transition in Europe and Switzerland.
Power network resilience measures: an interview with EurekAlert
Giovanni Sansavini discusses power network resilience measures in an interview with EurekAlert newspaper, sharing insights from the recent publication by Andrej Stankovski and coauthors.
Power blackouts in Europe: Analyses, key insights, and recommendations from empirical evidence

A. Stankovski, B. Gjorgiev, L. Locher, and G. Sansavini, Joule, p. S2542435123003665, Oct. 2023.
Kate at World Planning Congress and Urban Economy Forum

Last week, Kate presented RRE’s work on ambitious and data-informed municipal carbon abatement plans at the 59th World Planning Congress and Urban Economy Forum in Toronto, Canada. A fantastic opportunity to connect with active practitioners.
Thank you, Cristina; welcome, Martina
Cristina is gradually handing over to our new administrative assistant, Martina. We warmly thank Cristina for her five fruitful years at RRE and heartily welcome Martina to the exciting journey ahead.