RRE at INFORMS Annual Meeting

This year, the INFORMS Annual Meeting had great participation from RRE. Several lab members presented their research focusing on the optimization and machine learning tools that play a crucial role in tackling the challenges of energy transition in Europe and Switzerland.

Alissa Ganter's presentation delved into the impact of spatial resolution on the optimal planning of net-zero hydrogen supply chains.
Linda Brodnicke provided valuable insights into driving the transition to residential heating, considering energy policies and accounting for both uncertainty and decision-making variables.
Jacob Mannhardt's presentation offered an assessment of and strategies for facilitating the European energy transition while addressing myopic decision-making and constraints on technology deployment.
Alfredo Oneto introduced an innovative clustering approach based on the Wasserstein metric for modeling large-scale power distribution systems.
Paolo Gabrielli's presentation shed light on the pathways to decarbonize the European ammonia industry using electrolytic hydrogen.
These presentations collectively contribute to our understanding of the complexities and solutions surrounding the energy transition landscape in Europe and Switzerland.